詐欺で投獄されたナイジェリアの映画製作者Suen Egbegbeは"悪夢"の体験を語り,支援を求めてナイジェリアの刑務所を訪れる予定. Nigerian filmmaker Seun Egbegbe, imprisoned for fraud, shares his "nightmare" experience and plans to visit Nigerian prisons for support.
ナイジェリアの映画製作者でプロデューサーのSeun Egbegbeは,詐欺の罪で5年8ヶ月を刑務所で過ごし,刑務所での経験は"悪夢"だと説明しています. Nigerian filmmaker and producer Seun Egbegbe, who served five years and eight months in prison for fraud charges, has described his jail experience as a "nightmare." エグベゲは女優のビオラ・アデバヨとのインタビューで, "歓迎の部屋"の厳しい現実と, 劣悪な条件のために毎日命を落としていることを語りました. In an interview with actress Biola Adebayo, Egbegbe recounted the harsh reality of the "welcome cell" and the daily loss of lives due to poor conditions. 彼は今 ナイジェリアの刑務所を訪れ 囚人を支援したいと願っています He now wants to visit prisons across Nigeria to support inmates.