元フロリダ州副官は、自宅で飛行士を無許可で撃ったとして過失致死罪で起訴されました。 Former Florida deputy charged with manslaughter for unauthorized shooting of airman at home.
身元が明らかにされていない元フロリダ州保安官代理は、自宅で許可なく飛行士を射殺したとして過失致死罪で起訴されています。 Former Florida sheriff's deputy, whose identity is undisclosed, has been charged with manslaughter for fatally shooting an airman at his home without authorization. 検察は事件をさらに調査しています. Prosecutors are investigating the case further. この事件は地元の人々の注目を集め 地元の新聞で報道されています The incident has attracted attention from the local community and is being covered by local newspapers. 元副局長は銃を手にアパートのドアを開けた飛行士と遭遇し,その飛行士が死亡しました. The ex-deputy encountered the airman who opened his apartment door while holding a gun, resulting in the airman's death.