民主党全国会議での演説で,バイデン大統領は,親パレスチナ人の懸念を認め,パレスチナ人の苦しみを終わらせることを求めた. During his DNC speech, President Biden acknowledged pro-Palestinian concerns and called for an end to Palestinian suffering.
民主党全国大会での演説で,ジョー・バイデン大統領は,親パレスチナ抗議者の懸念を認め",彼らには理由がある"と述べた. During his Democratic National Convention speech, President Joe Biden acknowledged pro-Palestinian protesters' concerns, stating that "they have a point." バイデンは,現在進行中のイスラエル・パレスチナ紛争を含む様々な問題に取り組んで,元大統領トランプを批判しながら,パレスチナ人の苦しみを終わらせることを求めた. Biden addressed various issues, including the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and called for an end to the suffering of Palestinians while criticizing former President Trump. バイデンは,対話の重要性と複雑な国際問題への包括的なアプローチを強調しました. Biden emphasized the importance of dialogue and an inclusive approach to complex international matters.