トランプ元大統領は,イスラエルを支持したペンシルベニア州知事,ユダヤ系アメリカ人シャピロを, Truth Social で批判した. Former US President Trump criticized Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro, a Jewish American, on Truth Social for his support of Israel.
元アメリカ大統領ドナルド・トランプは,同社のTruth Socialプラットフォームで,ユダヤ人アメリカ人ペンシルベニア州知事ジョシュ・シャピロを批判し,彼を"過大評価"され,イスラエルに対する支持を疑問視した. Former US President Donald Trump criticized Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, a Jewish American, on his Truth Social platform, labeling him as "highly overrated" and questioning his support for Israel. トランプは,シャピロが民主党全国大会で演説した際,トランプの自制不足と権利と自由を撤廃しようとする彼の試みを批判したことで,これらの発言をした. Trump made these remarks in response to Shapiro's speech at the Democratic National Convention, where he criticized Trump's lack of restraint and his attempts to revoke rights and freedoms. トランプは,イスラエルがかつて持っていた最高の友人であると主張し,サピロの反ユダヤ主義が副大統領との対話において何の役割も果たさなかったという主張を否定した. Trump claimed he had been the best friend Israel had ever had, denying Shapiro's assertion that antisemitism played no role in his dialogue with the vice president. 批評家はトランプの発言を反ユダヤ主義だと非難した. Critics slammed Trump's statements, describing them as antisemitic.