香港上場企業の最高幹部7名,議長と執行役員を含む7人が,偽の会計と1億2000万港元相当の虚偽の取引でICACによって逮捕されました. 7 senior execs of a Hong Kong-listed firm, including chairman & an executive director, were arrested by ICAC for false accounting & fictitious transactions worth HK$120m.
香港上場企業の最高幹部7人, 社長と最高経営責任者を含む, ICACがSFCとマカオ警察との共同作戦で逮捕されました. 7 senior execs of a Hong Kong-listed firm, including the chairman & an executive director, were arrested by the ICAC in a joint operation with SFC & Macau police. 偽の会計と1億2000万ドル相当の虚偽の取引を犯したと非難されている. They are accused of false accounting & fictitious transactions worth HK$120m. 関連機関は,国境を越えた違法行為と闘い,市場健全性と投資家の利益を維持するとのコミットメントを表明した. The agencies involved expressed their commitment to combating cross-boundary illegal activities, maintaining market integrity, and investor interests.