バイデン大統領は,国への愛,成果を強調し,ハリス副大統領を称賛し,民主党全国大会で楽観主義を表明した. President Biden emphasized his love for country, showcased achievements, praised VP Harris, and expressed optimism at the Democratic National Convention.
バイデン大統領は大統領としての役割への愛に重点を置いたが,民主党全国大会 (DNC) での基調演説で,より自分の国を愛していると宣言した. President Biden emphasized his love for the role of being President but declared that he loves his country more during his keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC). バイデンの演説は,COVID-19の流行に対する対応,雇用創出,中産階級への支援など,大統領としての彼の業績を強調した. Biden's address highlighted his achievements as President, including his response to the COVID-19 pandemic, job creation, and support for the middle class. 副大統領カマラ・ハリスを称賛し,米国の将来に楽観的であることを表明した. He also praised Vice President Kamala Harris and expressed optimism for the future of the United States. 演説は彼の就任期間に対する感謝と 民主党全国委員会が始まってからの前進のバランスをとりました The speech struck a balance between gratitude for his time in office and a focus on moving forward as the DNC began.