300人の極右のデモ参加者がライプツィヒのプライドパレードを妨害しようとしたが,ドイツ警察に止められた. 300 far-right protesters attempted to disrupt Leipzig Pride parade but were stopped by German police.
ネオナチを含む300人の極右の抗議者は,クリスチャファー・ストリート・デー (Christopher Street Day) のライプツィヒのプライド・パレードを妨害しようとしたが,開始前にドイツ警察に止められた. 300 far-right protesters, including neo-Nazis, tried to disrupt Leipzig's Pride parade during Christopher Street Day, but were stopped by German police before starting. 抗議デモには約1,000人が登録した. Around 1,000 people had registered for the counter-rally. このイベントは,セキュリティ対策の強化と,サクセン州や他のドイツ州から数百人の警察官を含む大規模な警察の存在で進められました. The event proceeded with increased security measures and a large police presence, comprising hundreds of officers from Saxony and other German states.