テンピ警察官は、継父を殺害したとされる重体の武装容疑者を撃ちます。 Tempe police officer shoots armed suspect in critical condition, who allegedly killed his stepfather.
テンペの警察官は 武装した容疑者を撃った 危篤状態で 疑いのある容疑者は 義父を殺した Tempe police officer shot an armed suspect in critical condition, who allegedly killed his stepfather. 警察は911の殺人報告を受け 家を包囲し 容疑者が銃を持って出てきて 警官が発砲した Officers were called to a 911 homicide report and surrounded the home, where the suspect came out with a gun, prompting the officer to open fire. 容疑者は病院に運ばれ 被害者は自宅で死亡しました The suspect was taken to the hospital, and the victim was found dead inside the home. テンペは今年 警官による銃撃事件が 35件あったが 警官は負傷せず 地域社会に脅威はない Tempe has seen 35 officer-involved shootings this year, with no officers injured and no threat to the community.