国連の人権専門家は3月以来,生命を脅かす状況の報告を引用して,バレーンにジャウの刑務所の状況を改善するよう求めた. UN human rights experts urged Bahrain to improve prison conditions in Jau, citing reports of life-threatening conditions since March.
国連の人権専門家らは3月以来,生命を脅かす状況の報告に懸念を表明し,バレーンにジャウの刑務所の状況を改善するよう求めた. UN human rights experts urged Bahrain to improve prison conditions in Jau, expressing concern over reports of life-threatening conditions since March. 収容者は医療の提供を拒み,食料の提供を制限され,エアコンの断熱により 極端な暑さにさらされた. Detainees allegedly faced denial of medical care, limited food access, and exposure to extreme heat due to cut air conditioning. 専門家たちは,権利と条件の回復,囚人と家族の間のコミュニケーションの再開,問題解決のために政府との有意義な対話を要求した. Experts called for restored rights and conditions, resumed communication between prisoners and families, and a meaningful dialogue with the government to address issues.