2024年1四半期:太陽光と風力発電の増加により 再生可能エネルギーが初めて米国における石炭発電を上回る 2024-Q1: Renewable energy overtakes coal in US power generation for the first time, driven by increased solar and wind power.
2024年は米国のエネルギー生産における転換点となる.最初の7か月の連邦データによると,風力や太陽光を含む再生可能エネルギーが,米国史上初めて石炭を上回った. 2024 marks a turning point in US energy production as renewables, including wind and solar, have overtaken coal for the first time in the country's history, according to federal data for the first seven months. このマイルストーンは石炭火力発電所の減少と 再生可能エネルギー源の急速な増加に起因し 現在では石炭のシェアをわずかに上回る米国電力生産の16%を占めています This milestone is attributed to a decline in coal-fired power plants and the rapid growth of renewable energy sources, which now account for 16% of US power generation, slightly more than coal's share. 電力用太陽光発電は前年同期と比較して36%増加し,風力発電は8%増加した. Utility-scale solar energy increased by 36% compared to the same period last year, while wind production increased by 8%. 再生可能エネルギーの成長は続くと予想され、主に太陽光発電の急速な拡大により、風力と太陽光が年間を通じて石炭を追い抜くと予測されています。 The growth in renewable energy is expected to continue, with wind and solar projected to overtake coal for the entire year, primarily driven by a rapid expansion of solar power.