2人のハワード高校生が 喧嘩,武器所持,乱暴行為で逮捕された. 2 Howard High School students arrested for fight, weapon possession, and disorderly conduct.
2人のハワード高校の生徒が 火曜日に喧嘩したところ 学校の職員によって逮捕されました 2 Howard High School students involved in a fight on Tuesday were arrested by school resource officers. 9ミリグラム43ピストルが 男生徒から見つかった 銃所持と不条理行為の容疑で A 9mm Glock 43 pistol was found on the male student, leading to charges of weapon possession on school property and disorderly conduct. 女子生徒を含む2人の生徒は 乱暴行為の罪で起訴され,少年拘置所に送られました. Both students, including the female student, face disorderly conduct charges; they were taken to the Juvenile Detention Center.