14歳の二人の学生は,教員や生徒を射殺すると脅迫した容疑でジャンパー高校で逮捕された. Two 14-year-old students were arrested at Pullman High School for threatening to shoot a teacher and students.
12月10日閲覧. ^ 2 14歳学生2人が,銃を持ち込み,教師と他の2人の生徒を射殺すると脅迫した結果,ジャンパー高校で逮捕された. Two 14-year-old students were arrested at Pullman High School on December 10 after threatening to bring a gun and shoot a teacher and two other students. 学校は"安全かつ指導"モードになったが,警察はその脅迫に応じて応じた. The school went on "secure and teach" mode while police responded to the threats. 2人の生徒は 嫌がらせと爆弾の脅迫で 起訴されましたが 銃は見つかりませんでした Both students were charged with felony harassment and threats to bomb or injure property, but no firearm was found. 捜査は進行中です。 The investigation is ongoing.