8月12日,BCのラムビーで家庭が家火から逃げた.消防局は荒野に広がることを防止した.原因は調査中. Family escapes house fire in Lumby, BC, on August 12; fire department prevents spread to wilderness; cause under investigation.
8月12日,ブリティッシュコロンビア州ランビーで一家が火災から逃れた.ランビー消防署の迅速な対応により. A family escaped a house fire in Lumby, British Columbia on August 12, with the rapid response of the Lumby Fire Department. 農村部で発生した火災は家を焼いたが,周辺の荒野に広がることは防ぎられた. The fire, in a rural area, destroyed the home but was prevented from spreading to the surrounding wilderness. 地方の水供給の制限により,消防活動のために水を供給するために,ラヴィントンとBXの水供給入札が呼び出されました. Water tenders from Lavington and BX were called in to supply water for firefighting efforts due to the rural location's water supply limitations. 火災の原因は調査中だが,疑わしいとは考えられない. The cause of the fire remains under investigation but is not considered suspicious.