イギリスの保険業界は Q2に14億ポンドの天候関連損害賠償を支払ったことで,住宅保険料が上昇した. UK insurance industry paid a record £1.4bn in weather-related claims during Q2, causing home insurance prices to rise.
イギリスの保険業界は,主に天候関連の事故のために,第2四半期に記録的な14億ポンドの損害賠償を支払いました. UK insurance industry paid a record £1.4bn in claims during Q2, mainly due to weather-related incidents. 住宅保険料は6%上昇し396ポンドとなり,組合せ保険料は19%上昇した. Home insurance prices rose 6% to £396, with combined policies increasing 19%. 気候関連の請求は,連続5四半期に1億ポンドを超えました. Weather-related claims exceeded £100m for the fifth consecutive quarter. ABIは気候変動をうまく対処するために計画システムに改革を呼びかけ,水面の洪水対策と洪水投資を維持するよう政府に要請しています. ABI calls for reforms in the planning system to better address climate change, urging the government to act on surface water flooding and maintain flood investments.