15歳のシンガポール人学生が メタファテミンの乱用,学業の落ち込み,社会問題に陥り, 薬物使用の懸念が高まると介入とカウンセリングに導きます. 15-year-old Singaporean student falls into methamphetamine abuse, academic decline, and social issues, leading to intervention and counseling amid growing concern over youth drug usage.
15歳のシンガポール人の学生が,学校外の友人からメタファテミンを吸い始め,麻薬中毒に陥り,学業の落ち込み,怠惰,体重減少,そして家族との関係の緊張を引き起こしました. 15-year-old Singaporean student fell into drug abuse after being introduced to methamphetamine by friends outside of school, leading to academic decline, lethargy, weight loss, and strained familial relations. 当局が介入し 少年が児童施設に 送られ 児童はカウンセリングを受けます Authorities intervened, and the teen was sent to a children's home where they receive counseling. シンガポールの若者が薬物使用を増加させ,ソーシャルメディアに晒され,若者が薬物やリベラルな態度に曝される可能性が高まっているという懸念が広がっています. There has been a growing concern about the increasing number of young people taking drugs in Singapore, with social media exposure potentially leading to younger individuals being exposed to drugs and liberal attitudes. 麻薬使用者の若者の逮捕数は2023年には前年と比較して17%増加しました In 2023, there was a 17% increase in young drug abusers arrested compared to the previous year.