カタールは免許のない看護師を雇い,医療法に違反したことで,私立医療施設を閉鎖した. Qatar closed a private medical complex for employing unlicensed nurses and violating healthcare laws.
カタールの公衆衛生省は,健康検査で発見された,免許のない看護スタッフを雇っているため,私立医療施設を一時的に閉鎖した. Qatar's Ministry of Public Health temporarily closed a private medical complex due to employing unlicensed nursing staff, discovered during a health inspection. カタールの看護法や医療制度の違反が 確認されました Along with the unlicensed nurses, other violations of Qatar's nursing and healthcare institution laws were found. 施設と職員に対する訴訟は 関連する当局と協力して 進められています Legal action is being pursued against the complex and its staff, in collaboration with relevant authorities.