ラオスとベトナムは,国境沿いの森林管理,保全,森林破壊防止に協力することに合意した. Laos and Vietnam agree to cooperate on forest management, conservation, and deforestation prevention along their border.
ラオスとベトナムは,共通の国境に沿って森林管理,保全,森林破壊防止の分野で協力することに合意しました. Laos and Vietnam have agreed to cooperate on forest management, conservation, and deforestation prevention along their shared border. 森林保護,絶滅危惧種の保護,国際支援の分野での協力も含まれます. This includes exchanging information, knowledge and experience, as well as collaborating on forestland protection, endangered species preservation, and international support. 定期的な会合を催し,進展を振り返り,友好と包括的な協力を強化する. Regular meetings will be held to review progress and strengthen their friendship and comprehensive cooperation.