ダグ・エムホフの1回目の結婚は,カマラ・ハリスとの関係が始まる前に,婚外関係で終わった. 1st marriage of Doug Emhoff ended due to extramarital affair before relationship with Kamala Harris.
セカンドジェントルマンのダグ・エムホフは、カマラ・ハリス副大統領との関係を前に、不倫が彼の最初の結婚の終わりに貢献したことを認めました。 Second gentleman Doug Emhoff admitted that an extramarital affair contributed to the end of his first marriage, before his relationship with Vice President Kamala Harris. エムホフはインタビューやポッドキャストで 過去の恋愛問題を話し,自己改善への旅を語りました. Emhoff discussed his past relationship issues during an interview and on a podcast, sharing his journey to self-improvement. 彼の率直なアプローチは 評価されていますが それは彼の個人的な生活に 注目されるかもしれません His candid approach has been appreciated, though it may attract more attention to his personal life.