ジョハンズバーグで人身売買シンジケートからエチオピア人90人が救出され,2人の容疑者が逮捕された. 90 Ethiopians rescued from human trafficking syndicate in Johannesburg; 2 suspects arrested.
南アフリカ警察特別任務部隊は,ヨハネスブルグで,エチオピア人90人を人身売買の疑いから救出しました. 90 Ethiopian nationals were rescued from a suspected human trafficking syndicate in Johannesburg, SA, by the South African Police Service's Special Task Force unit. 犠牲者は,彼らの意志に反して不人道的な状況で拘束され,彼らの救出は,エチオピア人の間で発見された1人の犠牲者の誘拐の調査中に起こった. The victims were allegedly held against their will in inhumane conditions, and their rescue came during an investigation into the kidnapping of a single victim, who was also found among the Ethiopians. 人身売買業者と誘拐犯の容疑者2人が逮捕され、起訴されることが予想され、現在、この事件は優先犯罪捜査局が担当しています。 Two suspected traffickers and kidnappers were arrested and are expected to face charges, with the case now being handled by the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations.