エリーは 支払制度の問題で 支払いの遅延と 虐待者の元口座への支払いを 直面した Ellie faced delayed Paid Leave compensation and payment to her ex-abuser's account due to payment system issues.
家庭内暴力の被害者の エリーは 支払いの処理システムに問題があったため 給料の支払いが遅れた Domestic violence survivor, Ellie, faced delays in receiving her Paid Leave compensation due to issues with the payment processing system. 支払いの大きな部分は 彼女がアクセスできない古い口座に 預金されましたが 虐待者はアクセスし 財政的な困難を引き起こしました A large portion of her payment was deposited into an old account she no longer had access to, but her abuser does, causing financial difficulties. システムの遅延と透明性の欠如は 脆弱な個人を不安定な立場に置いてしまった. The system's delays and lack of transparency have left vulnerable individuals in a precarious position.