55歳の元弁護士M・ラヴィは、見知らぬ人を突き飛ばしたとして14週間の懲役と5,500ドルの罰金を科され、初の刑事判決を受けた。 55-year-old ex-lawyer M Ravi was jailed 14 weeks and fined $5,500 for pushing strangers, first criminal sentence.
法律上のトラブルで知られる55歳の元シンガポール人弁護士M・ラヴィは,2021年から2023年の間に,知らない人や知り合いを押し込んだなど,一連の犯罪で,14週間の懲役と5,500ドルの罰金を科された. 55-year-old ex-Singaporean lawyer M Ravi, known for his legal troubles, was sentenced to 14 weeks in jail and fined $5,500 for a series of offences, including pushing strangers and acquaintances, between 2021 and 2023. ラヴィが刑事犯罪で懲役刑を宣告されたのはこれが初めてです。 This is the first time Ravi has been sentenced to jail for criminal offences. 以前は 2018年に双極性障害のため 強制治療命令を受けたが 裁判官は治療と薬剤の不服従のために 刑を軽減する弁護団の要求を 大幅に拒否した. Previously, he had received a mandatory treatment order in 2018 for his bipolar disorder, but the judge largely rejected the defense's call to mitigate his sentence due to his non-compliance with treatment and medication.