裁判官フィリップ・グティエレスは NFLの裁判後の申し立てを 検討中です "サンデー・チケット"事件で 陪審員は47億ドルを 購読者に支払ったのです U.S. District Judge Philip Gutierrez is considering the NFL's post-trial motion in the 'Sunday Ticket' case, where the jury awarded $4.7bn to subscribers.
裁判官フィリップ・グティエレスは NFLの裁判後の申し立てを 検討中です 裁判官は彼の指示に従わず 損害賠償を決定し 契約者に47億ドルを 支払ったのです U.S. District Judge Philip Gutierrez is considering the NFL's post-trial motion in the 'Sunday Ticket' case, as the jury did not follow his instructions in determining damages, awarding $4.7bn to subscribers. 訴訟の原告が証拠を提出できなければ 裁判はNFLに有利に判断し 陪審員による損害賠償を考慮して 裁判を再開する Gutierrez could rule in the NFL's favor if the plaintiffs did not prove their case, or order a new trial due to the jury's self-calculated damages. NFLは判決を控訴し 連邦反独占法で141億ドルもの損害賠償を 受ける可能性があり 控訴が完了するまで サンデーチケットの支払いや変更は 停止されます The NFL plans to appeal the verdict, potentially facing $14.1bn in damages under federal antitrust laws, and all payments and changes to the 'Sunday Ticket' package will be stayed until appeals are concluded.