ロールス・ロイスは配当を再開し,パンデミック回復後に全年利益予測を上げました. Rolls-Royce resumes dividends and raises full-year profit guidance after pandemic recovery.
航空宇宙の技術者ロールス・ロイスは 年間利益予測を上げ 配当を再開すると発表しました Rolls-Royce, a prominent aerospace engineer, announced it will resume dividends after raising its full-year profit guidance. 疫病期間中に70億ポンドの緊急再資本化を受けた同社は,2024年の税後利益の30%を支払い,その後の年にこれを40%に増やす予定です. The company, which underwent a £7bn emergency recapitalization during the pandemic, is set to pay out 30% of its 2024 after-tax profits and increase this to 40% in subsequent years. 配当の回復は,同社の上半期に強な業績と,パンデミック関連の旅行制限からの継続的な回復の結果である. The dividend recovery is a result of the company's strong first-half performance and ongoing recovery from pandemic-related travel restrictions.