夫はシドニーでの新婚初夜と新婚旅行中に妻を強姦した罪で無罪判決を受けた。 Husband found not guilty of raping wife on wedding night and honeymoon in Sydney.
夫は新婚初夜と新婚旅行中ずっと妻を強姦した罪で無罪となった。 A husband has been found not guilty of raping his wife on their wedding night and throughout their honeymoon. 法律で身元が保護されているこの男性は、シドニー南西部のリバプールで行われた結婚披露宴の後、妻を4回にわたって残酷に強姦したとして告発された。 The man, whose identity is protected by law, was accused of brutally raping his wife four times after their wedding reception in Liverpool, southwest of Sydney. 妻は夫が無理やり行為をし、懇願しても止めようとしなかったと証言したが、裁判官は夫に2件の強制性的暴行、5件の性的暴行、2件の暴行について無罪を言い渡した。 Despite his wife testifying that he forced himself on her and refused to stop despite her begging, the judge found him not guilty of two counts of aggravated sexual assault, five counts of sexual assault, and two counts of assault.