ドイツ南西部:アルプシュタットでの家庭内紛争で3人死亡、2人負傷、警察が動機を捜査中。 Southwestern Germany: Domestic dispute in Albstadt leads to 3 dead, 2 wounded, police investigating motive.
ドイツ南西部では、アルプシュタットで家庭内紛争が銃撃事件に発展し、容疑者を含む家族3人が死亡、負傷した女性2人がヘリコプターで病院に搬送された。 In southwestern Germany, a domestic dispute escalated into a shooting incident in Albstadt, resulting in three family members dead, including the suspected gunman, and two wounded females who were airlifted to a hospital. 警察は正午過ぎにシュトゥットガルトとボーデン湖の中間にある現場に呼び出され、現在銃撃の動機を捜査している。 The police were called to the scene, located halfway between Stuttgart and Lake Constance, shortly after noon, and are currently investigating the motive behind the shooting. 現場は封鎖され、事件当時は最大40台の警察車両が現場にいた。 The area has been cordoned off, and up to 40 police vehicles were present during the incident.