日曜日、ブリッジポートの警察犬追跡中に盗難車がパトカーに衝突し、警官が負傷した。 On Sunday, a Bridgeport K-9 officer was injured during a pursuit when a stolen vehicle struck his police cruiser.
日曜日、ブリッジポートの警察犬が追跡中に盗難車に衝突され負傷した。 On Sunday, a Bridgeport K-9 officer was injured when a stolen vehicle struck his police cruiser during a pursuit. 事件はフランク・ストリートとマディソン・アベニューで車が盗まれたとの報告から始まった。 The incident began when a car was reported stolen from Frank Street and Madison Avenue. 警官の負傷は命に別状はなかった。 The officer's injuries were non-life-threatening. 追跡は出口12まで続き、その後盗難車両はダービー警察署に押収され、容疑者は午後3時頃に逮捕された。 The pursuit continued until Exit 12, after which the stolen vehicle was apprehended by the Derby Police Department, with the suspect captured at around 3 p.m.