5月30日、ミネアポリスで銃乱射事件が発生し、ミネアポリス警察官2名と民間人4名が負傷、2名が死亡した。 2 Minneapolis police officers and 4 civilians injured, 2 killed, in active-shooter situation in Minneapolis on May 30.
警察当局によると、5月30日にミネアポリスで銃乱射事件が発生し、ミネアポリス警察官2人と民間人4人が負傷した。 2 Minneapolis police officers and 4 civilians were injured in an active-shooter situation in Minneapolis on May 30, according to law enforcement. この事件で民間人2人が死亡し、警官1人が重傷を負った。 Two civilians were killed during the incident, and one officer was critically wounded. 銃撃事件はミネアポリス南部のウィッティア地区で発生し、当局は「流動的な状況」と表現している。 The shooting took place in the Whittier neighborhood of south Minneapolis and has been described as a "fluid situation" by authorities.