16歳のタイガー・ウッズの娘サムは、子供の頃に父親がいなかったためゴルフが嫌いだ。 16-year-old Tiger Woods' daughter Sam dislikes golf due to its association with his absence during her childhood.
48歳のゴルフ界の伝説タイガー・ウッズは、率直なインタビューで、16歳の娘サムは、幼少期に彼がいなかったこととゴルフが関連していると思われるため、ゴルフが嫌いだと明かした。 48-year-old golf legend Tiger Woods revealed in a candid interview that his daughter Sam, 16, dislikes golf due to its perceived association with his absence during her childhood. ウッズは、ゴルフが彼女の成長期に「父親を奪い去った」ため、ゴルフとのつながりにマイナスの影を落としたと説明した。 Woods explained that golf "took daddy away" during her formative years, casting a negative shadow over her connection with the sport. 対照的に、15歳の息子チャーリーはゴルフに熱心に取り組んでおり、その点では父親とより親密な関係にある。 In contrast, his son, 15-year-old Charlie, is actively pursuing golf and has a closer relationship with his father in that respect.