スペインでネルソン嵐の際に海に転落し、50歳の英国人観光客が死亡した。 50-year-old British tourist dies in Spain after falling into sea during Storm Nelson.
ネルソン嵐がスペインを襲い、英国人観光客がヒホン近郊のサン・エステバン・デ・プラビアの波止場から海に転落し死亡した。 A British tourist has died after Storm Nelson hit Spain, causing the man to fall into the sea from a quayside at San Esteban de Pravia, near Gijon. 悲劇的な事件が起きたとき、50歳の訪問者は妻と休暇中だった。 The 50-year-old visitor was on holiday with his wife when the tragic incident occurred. スペイン当局は木曜午後2時直前、入水時に警報が鳴ってから約1時間後、ヘリコプターを使って遺体を収容した。 Spanish authorities recovered his body using a helicopter shortly before 2pm on Thursday afternoon, about an hour after the alarm was raised when he entered the water.