シブ・セナMLAアニル・ババール死去。 Shiv Sena MLA Anil Babar passes away.
シブ・セナMLAアニル・カラジェラオ・ババール氏が肺炎の合併症のため74歳で死去した。 Shiv Sena MLA Anil Kalajerao Babar passed away at the age of 74, due to pneumonia complications. ババールはサンリ県カナプール・アトパディ出身の政治家で、19歳の頃から国民会議派から政治に携わり、その後国民会議派に15年以上参加した。 Babar was a politician from Khanapur-Atpadi in Sangli and had been involved in politics since he was 19, starting with the Congress party and later joining the Nationalist Congress Party for over 15 years. 彼はMLAに複数回選出され、マハラシュトラ州首相エクナス・シンデの側近であった。 He was elected as an MLA multiple times and was a close associate to Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde. 首相は死別の悲しみを表明し、ババール氏の葬儀は国家の名誉を尽くして執り行われるよう指示した。 The chief minister has expressed his grief at the loss and directed that Babar's funeral should be performed with full state honours.