Elon Muskはツイッター名を"Harry Boylz"に改名し、騒動やメディアの誤認を生じた。 Elon Musk changed his Twitter name to "Harry Bōlz," causing a stir and media mispronunciation.
Elon Muskはツイッターのプロフィール名を"Harry BOHolz"に改称し,CNNは"Harry BOHolz"を"Harry Balls"と発音した. Elon Musk briefly changed his Twitter profile name to "Harry Bōlz," which CNN discussed on air, pronouncing it as "Harry Balls." これは,マスクが審査員による審査に 干渉する裁判官に対する批判に注目した. This drew attention to Musk's criticism of judges interfering with executive reviews. この事件は最近,政府効率化省 (DOGE) に関する論争を浮き彫りにし, メディアがより広い問題よりも, 名称変更に注目していることに嘲笑を浴びた. The incident also highlighted a recent controversy involving the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) and drew mockery for the media's focus on the name change rather than the broader issues.