BJPはデリーの選挙に勝利し,48議席を準備し,今では新たな首相を選任しなければならない. BJP wins Delhi elections, securing 48 seats, and must now choose a new Chief Minister.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) はデリー議会選挙で著しい勝利を収め,70議席の48議席を獲得した. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has secured a significant victory in the Delhi Assembly elections, winning 48 of the 70 seats. 参党は,今,新首相選の任務に直面している. The party now faces the task of selecting a new Chief Minister. Parvesh Vermaは、AAPの指導者アーヴィンド・ケリフルを倒した。 また、Vijehner GuptaやSatish Upadayaなどの経験豊富な指導者も勝利した。 Potential candidates include Parvesh Verma, who defeated AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal, and other experienced leaders like Vijender Gupta and Satish Upadhyay. 最終選定は,カースト的表現や行政的経験などの要素に依り,BJPの中央指導によって決定される. The final choice will depend on factors such as caste representation and administrative experience, and will be decided by the BJP's central leadership.