容疑者2人の銃を所持で逮捕 警視庁で疑わしい物品を保管し 安全な場所に発見 Man arrested with two firearms; suspicious item at police station secured and found safe.
29歳の男性が、マッシー通りで銃砲を所持した男性の通報を受けて、警察に2発の銃火器と弾薬を発見し、逮捕された。 A 29-year-old man was arrested after police found two firearms and ammunition in his vehicle following a report of a man with a firearm on Massey Street. 疑わしい物件がハミルトン警察署で 防爆部隊によって確保され 安全であると判断されました A suspicious item at the Hamilton Central Police Station was secured by the NZDF Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team and deemed safe. 男は複数の告発に直面し,勾留され,2月11日裁判所に召集される予定となった. The man faces multiple charges and has been remanded in custody, set to reappear in court on February 11.