Bausch + Lombは、買収交渉が不十分だった後、その株価が8.45%下落した後、売却しません。 Bausch + Lomb won't sell, after purchase talks fell short, causing its stock to drop 8.45%.
Bausch+Lomb、目の健康会社は、潜在的な買い手との交渉が会社の評価期待を満たすことができなかった後、売却されません。 Bausch + Lomb, an eye health company, will not be sold after talks with a potential buyer failed to meet the company's valuation expectations. 株式会社バウスヘルスが88%を所有する同社は,独立事業を継続し,2024年の利益と2025年の予測を2月19日に報告します. The company, owned 88% by Bausch Health Companies Inc., will continue its independent operations and report its 2024 earnings and 2025 guidance on February 19. 株は8. 45%から19. 19ドルに低下 アナリストは"維持"評価と平均価格目標 20. 25. Its stock fell 8.45% to $16.19 after the announcement, with analysts giving it a "Hold" rating and an average price target of $20.25.