15歳と16歳の2人のティーンエイジャーは,シドニーでタバコの店を突っ込み,タバコを盗んだ後に逮捕されました. Two teens, 15 and 16, were arrested after ramming a tobacco store and stealing cigarettes in Sydney.
15歳と16歳の2人のティーンエイジャーは,シドニーにあるタバコの店で強盗の襲撃の後,逮捕されました. Two teenagers, aged 15 and 16, were arrested after a ram raid at a tobacco store in Lane Cove, Sydney. 事件は3時50分頃で,ある車両が店に押し入り,正面の窓を壊したり,煙草を盗んでいた. The incident occurred around 3:50 am when a vehicle broke into the store, smashing the front windows and stealing cigarettes. 警察は容疑者の車を追っかけて,十代の若者が逮捕されたワーリントンの警察車両と衝突した. Police pursued the suspects' car, leading to a collision with a police vehicle in Werrington, where the teens were arrested. 強盗に使われた車は エミュー・プレーンから 盗まれたと考えられていた The car used in the raid was believed to be stolen from Emu Plains.