ナイジェリア上院は,地域開発監督の強化を図る新たな委員会長を任命する. Nigerian Senate appoints new committee leaders to boost regional development oversight.
ナイジェリア上院は,南東部,北西部,北中部地域を含む地方開発委員会を監督する委員会に,新たな議長及び代理人を任命した. The Nigerian Senate has appointed new chairmen and deputies for committees overseeing regional development commissions across the country, including the South East, North West, and North Central regions. これらの任命は,この委員会に係る5つの法案に加入したタヌブ大統領の署名により,継続的な開発の監督と推進を目指す. These appointments aim to strengthen oversight and promote sustainable development, with President Tinubu signing into law five bills related to these commissions. 元老院総裁,ゴッスル・アクパビオは,地域格差に対処し,当該委員会の委任を確実に実現させるため,国会と行政機関の協同努力を称賛した. The Senate President, Godswill Akpabio, praised the collaborative efforts between the legislative and executive branches to address regional disparities and ensure the commissions' mandates are met.