LGCNS株式は2022年以降の韓国最大級の821MIPOが韓国にあっても,最初の1日における取引で8.6%減少した. LG CNS shares fell 8.6% on its first day trading, despite its $821M IPO being South Korea's largest since 2022.
韓国のLGグループの技術サービス子会社であるLG CNSは,韓国で2022年以来最大の初公開 (IPO) の後に株価が下がった. LG CNS, a tech services subsidiary of South Korea's LG Group, saw its shares drop after its initial public offering (IPO), the largest in South Korea since 2022. 需要が強いにもかかわらず,同社の株式はIPO価格61,900ウォンから60,500ウォンで開店し,発行価格から8.6%減少した57,900ウォンで閉店した. Despite strong demand, the company's shares opened at 60,500 won, down from the IPO price of 61,900 won, and closed at 57,900 won, representing an 8.6% decrease from the issue price. 株式公開は8億2100万ドルとされ,当初は41億ドルの価値が設定されていたが,その市場価値は,下落後,5.7兆ウォンに低下した. The IPO, valued at $821 million, had initially set the company's value at $4.1 billion, but its market value fell to $5.7 trillion won after the drop.