プラチナゲームスの著名な開発者は,Hideki Kamiyaを含む新しいベンチャーのために去りました. Notable developers from PlatinumGames have left for new ventures, including Hideki Kamiya.
ビデオゲームスタジオプラチナムGamesのキー開発者(Bayoneteta Outes などいくつかの著名な人物を含む)は,当該会社から退社した. Key developers from video game studio PlatinumGames, including the director of Bayonetta Origins and several other prominent figures, have left the company. バイヨネッタの元副社長で 新たにスタジオを立ち上げた ヒデキ・カミヤは 最近のYouTubeビデオで 離脱を認めた. Former vice president and Bayonetta creator Hideki Kamiya, now leading a new studio Clovers, confirmed the departures in a recent YouTube video. スタッフの損失にかかわらず,プラチナムGamamesは,Ninja Gaend 4 を含む新たなプロジェクトでまだ前進している. Despite the staff losses, PlatinumGames is still moving forward with new projects, including Ninja Gaiden 4.