インドの継母は8歳の娘の遺体を殺害,火傷,隠匿したという容疑で逮捕された. A stepmother in India arrested for allegedly killing, burning, and hiding her 8-year-old stepdaughter's body.
インドのビハール州ブクサーの女性は,8歳の義理の娘アアンチャル・クマリーを絞殺し,遺体を焼いて,遺体を自宅の木箱の中に隠したとして逮捕されました. A woman in Buxar, Bihar, India, was arrested for allegedly killing her 8-year-old stepdaughter, Aanchal Kumari, by strangling her, setting her body on fire, and hiding the remains in a gunny bag inside a wooden box at their home. 少女の家族は彼女の行方不明を報告し,警察の発見と女の逮捕に至った. The girl's family reported her missing, leading to the police discovery of her charred remains and the woman's arrest. 犯罪の動機は,まだ調査中である. The motive for the crime is still under investigation.