2024年,小SUVが人気を博し,MGZS,ヒュダイ・コナなどが主題販売率を誇るようになった. Small SUVs gained popularity in 2024, with the MG ZS, Hyundai Kona, and others leading sales.
2024年,小SUVは,新車販売の15%近くが予算オプションの3.1%増加し,保険料の8%が高騰した. In 2024, small SUVs saw a surge in popularity, making up nearly 15% of new car sales with a 3.1% increase for budget options and 8% for premium ones. トップ5の販売台数は,MG ZSが22,629台,Hyundai Konaが17,374台,GWM Haval Jolionが14,238台,Mazda CX-3が12,961台,トヨタC-HRが12,528台で販売された. The top five sellers were the MG ZS with 22,629 units sold, Hyundai Kona with 17,374, GWM Haval Jolion with 14,238, Mazda CX-3 with 12,961, and Toyota C-HR with 12,528. これらの自動車の実用性と余裕は,その成功に貢献した. These vehicles' practicality and affordability contributed to their success.