パンジャブの税収は急上昇し,GSTの集計は11.87%上昇し,全国平均を上回る. Punjab's tax revenues surged, with GST collection up 11.87%, outpacing the national average.
パンジャブのネットGSTコレクションは,現財務年度の1月までに11.87%増加し,国民平均の10%を超えている. Punjab's net GST collection grew by 11.87% until January in the current fiscal year, exceeding the national average of 10%. また,国は,GST,Excess,VAT,CST,PSDTを含む,総税の1.1.77%の増税率を表明した. The state also saw a 15.33% increase in excise and an 11.67% rise in overall taxes, including GST, excise, VAT, CST, and PSDT. パンジャブはGSTコレクションにおける国家成長率を上回る3つの州のうち,財務大臣は収益の改善の努力を表明している. Punjab is among the top three states surpassing the national growth rate in GST collection, with the Finance Minister crediting improved revenue collection efforts.