サンアントニオの自動車事故後に20歳のドライバーを射殺した後,男性は起訴される. Man faces charges after shooting 20-year-old driver following a car accident in San Antonio.
30代の男性がサンアントニオの自動車事故後に20歳のドライバーを射殺し,起訴されている. A man in his 30s is facing charges after shooting a 20-year-old driver following a car crash in San Antonio. 事件は木曜の早朝に起きたが,若い男が容疑者の車にぶつかった. The incident happened early Thursday morning when the younger man hit the suspect's parked car. 議論の後,30歳の少年は,命の危険のある傷を負った運転手を撃った. After an argument, the 30-year-old shot the driver, who was found with life-threatening injuries. 犯人は当初 正当防衛を主張し 相手のドライバーが武器を取ろうとしていたと The shooter initially claimed self-defense, stating he believed the other driver was reaching for a weapon. 現場で2丁の銃が発見され,その発砲が正当化されたかどうかは捜査中である. Two guns were found at the scene, and the case is under investigation to determine if the shooting was justified.