2歳のデヴェンドゥが井戸で死体で発見された.両親は不一致と欠落した金について質問した. Two-year-old Devendu found dead in well; parents questioned over inconsistencies and missing money.
寝ている姿で最後に目撃された後,ケララ州のバララマプラムで,2歳のデヴェンドゥが失踪し,後に井戸で死体が見つかりました. Two-year-old Devendu went missing in Balaramapuram, Kerala, after being last seen sleeping, and was later found dead in a well. 彼女の両親のスレエトとスレジテは彼女の行方不明を通報し,現在は警察から子どもの母方の叔父と一緒に質問されている. Her parents, Sreethu and Sreejith, reported her missing and are now being questioned by the police, along with the child's maternal uncle. 捜査は進行中です. 警察は,家族の証言の矛盾と,最近の30ラックスの失踪の報告により, 犯罪を疑っています. The investigation is ongoing, with police suspecting foul play due to inconsistencies in the family's statements and recent reports of a missing ₹30 lakh from their home.