ラッパー・リル・ヤッチは キャリアが上昇した時に 元ガールフレンドのマライア・ザ・サイエンティストを 虐待したことを認めました Rapper Lil Yachty admits to mistreating ex-girlfriend Mariah The Scientist as his career rose.
ラッパー・リル・ヤッチーはポッドキャストで,元恋人,歌手マライア・ザ・サイエンティストを,彼との恋の間に,ひどい扱いをしたことを認めた. Rapper Lil Yachty admitted on a podcast that he treated his ex-girlfriend, singer Mariah The Scientist, poorly during their relationship. 以前は恋愛関係を否定していたヨッティは、自分の虐待を認め、音楽キャリアがスタートするにつれ、二人の関係が終わったことの責任を受け入れた。 Despite previously denying their romantic involvement, Yachty acknowledged his mistreatment and accepted responsibility for the end of their relationship as his music career took off. マライアは以前別の番組で彼らの関係を話し,彼らの関係は高校で始まり,彼女の大学時代を通してどのように続いたかを共有しました. Mariah had previously discussed their relationship on another show, sharing how their connection began in high school and continued through her college years.