フィリピン警察は麻薬容疑者を数人逮捕し,全国的に800万ピョー以上のシャブを押収した. Philippine police arrested several drug suspects and seized over P8 million worth of shabu nationwide.
1月29日、フィリピン中の警察の業務が、数人の麻薬容疑者を逮捕し、相当量のシャブを急襲させた。 Police operations across the Philippines on January 29 led to the arrest of several drug suspects and the seizure of significant amounts of shabu. レイテでは,高価値の標的が,P7百万の価値のシャブとピストルで捕まった. In Leyte, a high-value target was caught with P7 million worth of shabu and a pistol. イロイロでは、高額な人物を含む2人の容疑者が、544,000ペソ相当のシャブで逮捕されました。 In Iloilo, two suspects, including a high-value individual, were arrested for P544,000 worth of shabu. ヌエヴァ・エシハでは,無職の男性と他の3人の容疑者が,P83万7000ドル相当のシャブと火器で逮捕された. In Nueva Ecija, a jobless man and three other suspects were apprehended with P837,000 worth of shabu and firearms. ヴァレンツェラ市の三輪自転車運転手も,P20万4千人相当のシャブを所持した容疑で逮捕された. A tricycle driver in Valenzuela City was also arrested for possessing P204,000 worth of shabu. 容疑者は全員 麻薬関連の罪に問われている All suspects face drug-related charges.