教授は授業で生徒との婚礼式を映像で公開した後に休暇をとった. Professor placed on leave after videos of her performing wedding rituals with student in class go viral.
ウェストベンガル州の大学で 教授を雇う女性が 授業中に学生と 結婚式の儀式を している映像が 広まると 休職に 追い出された. A senior female professor at a university in West Bengal was placed on leave after videos of her performing wedding rituals with a student during class went viral. 教授は サイコパスのデモの 一部だったと主張してる 実際の結婚式じゃない The professor claims it was part of a psycho-drama class demonstration, not a real wedding. この事件を調査する調査委員会が設立され,調査が完了するまで,生徒は授業から離れるようにも依頼を受けた. An inquiry panel has been formed to investigate the incident, and the student has also been asked to stay away from classes until the investigation is complete.