ワシントン州立大学は,私的会議の後,次期大統領選に"Canted B"を選任する. Washington State University selects "Candidate B" as finalist for its next president after a private meeting.
ワシントン州立大学登記委員会は,個人会議で3人の候補者にインタビューした後に,大学次期会長の決勝候補として"CANT B"を選任した. The Washington State University Board of Regents has selected "Candidate B" as the finalist for the university's next president after interviewing three candidates in a private meeting. 完全任命は 背景調査と 契約交渉の後に発表される The full appointment will be revealed after a background check and contract negotiations. 200人以上がその職に就いたが,昨年4月にカーク・シュルツ大統領が引退を宣言した後に開幕した. Over 200 people applied for the position, which opened after President Kirk Schulz announced his retirement last April.