マクドナルドは,Jan27-30からの99pの鶏肉6個をアプリ経由で提供し,その報酬プログラムを推進している. McDonald's offers 6 chicken nuggets for 99p from Jan 27-30 via their app, promoting their rewards program.
マクドナルドは1月27日から1月30日にかけて99pの鶏肉を6個提供しているが,アプリでしか買えない. McDonald's is offering six chicken nuggets for 99p from January 27 to January 30, available only through their app. 顧客はMyMcDonald's Rewardsプログラムにも参加し,使った1ペンのポイントを BBC Children in NeedやRonald McDonald House Charitiesなどの慈善団体に寄付することができます. Customers can also join the MyMcDonald's Rewards program, earning a point for every penny spent, which can be donated to charities like BBC Children in Need and Ronald McDonald House Charities. アプリはGoogle Playや Apple Storeで入手できます。 The app is available on Google Play and the Apple App Store.