ドバイの急激な成長と不動産ブームは,価格の上昇や混雑の最中に住民を圧迫している. Dubai's rapid growth and real estate boom strain residents amid soaring prices and congestion.
ドバイの急成長と不動産ブームが住民に大きな負担を及ぼす。 Dubai's rapid growth and real estate boom are causing significant strains on its residents. 2040年までにその人口を2倍にして580万人に増やし,その結果,不動産価格の高騰,交通渋滞,所得格差やエミリー人口の減少に関する懸念などが生じる. The city aims to double its population to 5.8 million by 2040, leading to soaring real estate prices, increased traffic congestion, and concerns about income inequality and the shrinking Emirati population share. 不動産市場は2024年にAED76110億円相当のレコード取引を行い,都道府県の経済の活力に重点を置くとともに,インフラの整備と利用能力の圧力も見受けられた. The real estate market saw record transactions worth AED761 billion in 2024, highlighting the city's economic vitality but also the pressures on infrastructure and affordability.