BJPの候補者Karnail Singhは、259億ルピー相当の資産でデリーの選挙資産リストのトップに立っています。 BJP candidate Karnail Singh tops Delhi election wealth list with assets worth Rs 259 crore.
来たるデリー議会選挙では、BJPの候補者であるカルネイル・シンが最も裕福で、資産は259億ルピーです。 In the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, BJP candidate Karnail Singh is the wealthiest with assets worth Rs 259 crore. 富豪候補のうち5位にシンが挙げられ,次いでBJPのManjinder Singh Sirsaが248.85億ルピー, 議会のGurcharan Singhが130.90億ルピー, BJPのParvesh Sahib Singh Vermaが115.63億ルピー, AAPのA Dhanwati Chandelaが109.90億ルピーとランクインした. The five richest candidates include Singh, followed by BJP's Manjinder Singh Sirsa with Rs 248.85 crore, Congress's Gurcharan Singh with Rs 130.90 crore, BJP's Parvesh Sahib Singh Verma with Rs 115.63 crore, and AAP's A Dhanwati Chandela with Rs 109.90 crore. 平均資産は5.65億で 前選挙では4.34億だった. The average assets of candidates are Rs 5.65 crore, up from Rs 4.34 crore in the previous election. BJP候補は,Rs22.90 clreで最上位の平均資産を有しており,次に国会及びAAPが続く. BJP candidates have the highest average assets at Rs 22.90 crore, followed by Congress and AAP.